Move Against Prostate Cancer

Prostate Cancer Research Foundation, Rotterdam (SWOP)

The Prostate Cancer Research Foundation – Stichting Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Prostaatkanker (SWOP) – is an initiative of the Department of Urology of the Erasmus MC, the University and Medical Centre of Rotterdam, in The Netherlands. The goal of the Foundation is the financial support of scientific research projects in the field of prostate cancer specifically, and other cancers of the urinary tract in general.

Erasmus MC is one of eight European centres taking part in the world’s largest study of screening for prostate cancer, the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer,(ERSPC). The ERSPC was co-founded by Prof. Dr. F.H. Schröder, now emeritus professor at Erasmus and he is also co-founder of the Foundation. Under his leadership, the ERSPC continues to explore and determine the value of early detection of prostate cancer.

The board of the Foundation consists of:
Prof. dr. M.J. Roobol-Bouts, chairman
Dhr. mr. E.W. Groenveld, treasurer
Dr. L.D.F. Venderbos, secretary
Prof. dr. C.H. Bangma, urologist
Dr. A.R. Alberts

emeritus Prof.dr. F.H. Schröder
Dhr. M.L. Wyler

The four inventors of the Prostate Cancer Risk Calculator (US patent number 8,087,576 B2) are: dr. R. Kranse, dr. M.J. Roobol, prof. dr. F.H. Schröder and prof. dr. E.W. Steyerberg.

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